Tuesday, January 1, 2013


As it is New Year's Day, I am going to be very brave and set some resolutions, but keep them real and achievable.  I don't need to lose weight, get fit or give up smoking (although drinking less would probably be a good idea!) so nothing earth shattering.  But these are things that I really want to address and I think are manageable.  Here goes:

 - Do one thing at a time.  Finish what you start.  This is a fairly ambitious one for a crafter, as UFOs (unfinished objects) are an unquestioned part of life, but, for me this more about finishing tasks and not dividing my attention to the point that things are not finished or not done properly.
 - Do more reading for the Day Job.  It's not the most exciting stuff in the world, but I should be more on top of this than I am.
- Be confident, don't fear failure and stop procrastinating about the hard stuff.
- Learn some new sewing skills.  I've signed up for a Block of the Month using foundation piecing, so that's a good start.  Now to re-learn zips.

There are other things I'd like to address but in the spirit of keeping this manageable, I'll add only when I've ticked something off.

Happy New Year.

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